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  • How to Remove Wine Stains from Carpet Fibers

    October 16, 2020

    There’s nothing more relaxing than enjoying a glass of red wine after a long day or during a weekend get together with friends. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for wine to spill and leave a huge stain on your carpeted floors before you even have a chance to react. Red wine is one of the most feared carpet stains because of the dark color and highly acidic properties.

    Time is essential when dealing with a wine stain on your carpet. If your gathering is still in full swing, don’t wait until your guests leave to take care of the stain. As soon as you discover the stain, quickly blot up as much of the wine as you can with a clean rag or thick paper towels. As soon as your guests leave, you can take more comprehensive steps to remove the stain. Follow these steps and your carpets will be clean again in no time:

    Before You Begin 

    The first thing you should do after you discover the spilled wine is sprinkle salt on the stain. Salt will help absorb some of the liquid if you cannot immediately begin to treat the stain. Salt will not only help with the stain removal process, but it can be vacuumed away easily when your guests leave.

    If you do not notice the stain until after the liquid has already dried, the cleanup process becomes more problematic. If you are working on an old stain, soak the stain with warm water, apply a carpet stain remover and leave an oxygen-based cleaning product on the stain for a minimum of two hours.

    Step 1: Blot the Stain Immediately 

    If you notice the stain right after it occurs, you want to remove as much of the liquid as possible before it dries. Use a thick paper towel to blot the stain and remove as much of the moisture as you can. Do not rub the carpet—this will increase the size of the stain. Simply blot the liquid using one fluid motion.

    Step 2: Saturate the Stain in Water 

    After you have blotted up a sizeable amount of wine, pour a small amount of warm water onto the carpet stain. The warm water will dilute the stain, making it easier to continue blotting. Do not pour too much water on the stain. For a small area, you only need about two tablespoons of water. For a large wine stain, approximately four tablespoons of water are sufficient. Continue blotting the stain using this method until all of the liquid is dry or has been soaked up.

    Step 3: Make a Baking Soda Paste 

    Treating a stain with baking soda can help reduce odors and eliminate moisturize. Pouring a baking soda paste on a fresh wine stain and letting it soak for 30 minutes to an hour can help remove both the odor and the stain. To make a baking soda solution, mix a paste with a three-to-one ratio of baking soda to warm water. Apply the solution directly to the carpet and allow it to dry before applying further treatments.

    Hydrogen peroxide solutions also work well, especially for dry red wine stains.  Most carpets are treated with a solution dye, so hydrogen peroxide will not discolor or ruin the carpet. If you are unsure if your carpet has a solution dye, test a small area before treating the entire wine stain. To make the solution, mix 1 cup hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of dish soap into a small bowl. Stir the solution for 30 seconds. Dab the solution directly onto the stain with a white towel or rag. Allow the solution to soak into the stain for 10 minutes. You can then use a vacuum to remove the solution or you can apply other treatments if the stain remains.

    Step 4: Apply a Carpet Stain Remover 

    After blotting the stain and using a baking soda paste, apply a store-bought carpet stain remover. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid discoloring the carpet. You can find a good remover to purchase by asking friends for recommendations or reading reviews online.

    Step 5: Use a Wet Vacuum

    After the entire stain is saturated with the carpet stain remover, use the wet setting of your vacuum to remove all of the liquid. Repeat the entire process until the stain is gone.

    Household Ingredients that Can Remove Wine Stains 

    You can make wine removal solutions using ingredients you likely already have in your home kitchen. Homemade solutions are great because they are cost-effective, natural and typically harmless to children and pets. Here are some homemade stain removers to try out:

    • Salt solutions: When poured directly onto a fresh wine stain, salt can prevent the wine from setting. You will need to use another solution to completely remove the stain, but salt can prevent the stain from becoming worse until you apply a more potent solution.
    • Vinegar and soap: While the smell can be unpleasant, vinegar does an excellent job of neutralizing the purple pigments found in red wine. When combined with soap or soda, vinegar can be an effective stain remover. Saturate the stain in vinegar and then apply a liquid laundry or dish soap over the vinegar. Let the solution saturate the stained area for at least 20 minutes before rinsing. Repeat the process as necessary.
    • White wine: While it may seem counterintuitive, white wine can help remove red wine stains. White wine can help neutralize red wine, making it easier to remove the red color from the carpet. Simply pour a generous amount of white wine over the stained carpet. Gently blot up the wine with a thick white towel. Do not rub the stain as this will drive the red liquid deeper into the carpet fibers. If the stain remains, add salt or soda water to the solution.
    • Club soda: Many people know that club soda can remove stains from clothing. Luckily, club soda can also be used on carpet stains. The carbonation helps lift the stain from the carpet fibers while the salt helps to keep the stain from setting.  

    Contact Safe-Dry Carpet Cleaning of Germantown Today 

    Wine stains can wreak havoc on an otherwise clean carpet. If you need help removing an old wine stain, contact Safe-Dry Carpet Cleaning of Germantown right now. All of our rug cleaning services are affordable and highly effective. We utilize non-toxic cleaning solutions that will remove the stain but will not harm your pets or children. All of our technicians are trained to efficiently remove a variety of stains, including dried red wine stains. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation or to receive an estimate. Call us today!

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