• Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery Cleaned to Your Satisfaction.

  • Address is 8753 Greenfields Road, Germantown, TN 38139

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  • Appointments Available Today!

    The Safe and Dry way to clean carpets, rugs and upholstery!

  • Resources

    Maintain Your Carpet

    To keep your carpet in great shape, reduce allergens, and retain good indoor air quality, consider these tips from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) & Safe-Dry® Carpet Cleaning:

    Vacuum Regularly

    How often do you really need to vacuum? High-traffic or pet areas should be vacuumed daily or every other day, medium-traffic areas need to be vacuumed about twice a week, and light-traffic areas should be vacuumed weekly. Use a CRI-certified vacuum for optimum soil removal, dust containment and to avoid damage to your carpet.

    Limit Dirt Intrusion

    Keeping as much dirt and grime off the carpet as possible is ideal. Be proactive and put out a durable entrance mat for people to wipe off their feet before entering your home. Then require everyone to take off their shoes so less dirt is tracked inside.

    Deep Clean

    At least once per year your carpet should be cleaned & protected by a professional carpet cleaning company. The Safe Dry process extracts deeply embedded dirt that regular vacuuming can’t reach. For added protection ask about our Allergen Treatment & Sanitizer.If you suffer from particularly bad allergies, consider cleaning your upholstered furniture and area rugs yearly as well.

    Keep a Tidy Space

    A messy room makes regular vacuuming difficult and deep cleaning nearly impossible. Dust and allergens are able to settle in between the clutter over time. Mold growth is a possibility too, depending on which area of your home is disorganized. Declutter your home on a regular basis to keep your carpets in great shape.

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